Hello All!
Thanksgiving has come and gone and now it is already December 3rd! We spent a restful few days at home last week. I made cornbread stuffing, potatoes and pumpkin pies and ordered a smoked turkey from our friends at Stonewalls. Shaun and I had planned on just staying home and watching the football games.
One of our church members has had a very rough time and recently had back surgery and then another surgery on her back due to the staff infection that she acquired while in the hospital. Needless to say, she has had a bad month. Shaun and I brought her food on Thanksgiving morning. She was so positive and encouraging despite her pain. What a humbling and affirming visit and could not have been more appropriate for Thanksgiving. We are so grateful to have so many people in our lives who love us and truly care about us, both here in MS and in TX.
After our visit, we went and spent Thanksgiving Day with one of our church elders and his family. They are fellow Texans and we spent the day enjoying all of the Texas football! They fried a turkey and it was awesome! We truly rested and enjoyed our day.
The day after, we set up the tree and decorated the house both inside and out. Shaun did a great job on the lights outside! It is nice to have our own place again to decorate. The house is finally finished for now. All painting is complete and the floors are done.
On Tyson news....
He got his staples out last week and has been cleared by the Vet. The stitches are still there but will heal soon. He is already full of energy and his fur is growing back. We did have to buy him a sweater and a tshirt because he gets cold easily. You can see him here asleep on my desk in my office. We got Preston a Christmas tshirt too.
He loves to wear clothes, it is so weird! No worries, Christmas photos will be coming soon.
Speaking of Christmas..... it is coming!!!! Christmas music is already playing, weather is changing, and there are 21 days left. We are looking forward to going back to visit friends and family in Texas. We will be leaving after Christmas. We are also excited to get to serve at our 2nd Christmas Eve Service at Mosaic.
More to come...