Posted by The Campbells at Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments
So... it just hit me tonight that I haven't been in the blog world for a few months. I would use the excuse that things have been crazy busy, but that seems to be the pattern of our lives now as I know is true for many of your lives as well.
Last weekend, we held Mosaic Kids in the Main Service. We do this once a quarter and it allows for kids to worship and learn with the parents. Due to the teaching, we had a giant, human sized hamster ball as part of the teaching. Shaun was voluntold into being the giant hamster to roll inside the ball down the main isle. It was awesome! Although, does anyone else ever feel like they are spinning in their life like they are in a giant hamster ball? We have been praying and seeking to see which things we can let go to simplify our life and stop the spinning. I know that it is good to be busy and productive, but sometimes I think that we have become so busy that we have negated our productivity level.
I am not complaining, for I know that it is an honor and a privilege to do what we do and we have been blessed beyond words. I know that this is also a season that we are living in. I however, look forward to a new season where there is more productivity and a balance that includes true rest.
Let's see if I can think back and recall any major things that have happened since the last blog entry......
1. Texas. We made an ever so short trip back to Wichita Falls and we able to see the family since we missed coming home at Christmas due to the crazy snow. It snowed while we were there but the roads were fine. It was good to see all the family. We are truly blessed to be loved and cared for by our families. I am grateful for all that they have poured into us and for their prayers. We also enjoyed all the great food and even ate at some hometown favorites thanks to Jan and Gary... pioneer steak dinner and breakfast.. ummm!!! I think we gained 10 pounds while there due to all the Mexican food! It is weird but although we miss our family terribly(ya'll know you really should come visit us!!!), Texas feels less like home now. I will always claim that I'm a Texan.. but it was actually nice to come back to our home and our Mosaic Family too.
2. Fasting Season. We have declared a church wide fast in preparation for the Easter Services and the launch of our new Saturday night service. As a Staff, we are doing the Daniel fast and have asked the church to fast with us from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday. Fasting has presented some challenges for all of us, but has also created a renewed excitement and dedication to the true food that sustains. It is so sad how dependent we become on the comfort of food to sustain us instead of turning to the Creator. I am most guilty of this and this season has revealed a lot of the ugly sin in my life and made me even more grateful that Jesus chose me not because of who I am, but because of who He is. We have a fasting blog on our church website, so check it out: http://mosaicfast.wordpress.com/.
I have been humbled by the stories from the kids who have given up their security blankets, DS systems, TV, and even whole families fasting together.
We launch a permanent Saturday night service on April the 2nd and we sent out a 66,000 piece mailer to residents of the Gulf Coast inviting them to attend. The last mailer we sent was for the grand opening almost 2 years ago and we still have people who come every weekend because of that mailer. Our Church grew from 200 people to 350 people within a matter of 2 weeks after the last mailer. So, I am excited to see what God does through this season. We have been averaging over 700 each weekend right now!
3. School for Me... I officially filed for graduation.. whoooohhooooo!!! All that remains is for me to complete the internship and a class as well as passing the comprehensive exam. I go to New Orleans on April the 26th to take the exam. If I do not pass it, I do not graduate and I only have one chance. Please be praying for me to pass and for time to study! I have taken on quite a caseload of counseling clients through the church and I am still working two days a week at a psychiatric hospital (which I actually really enjoy). If all goes well, I graduate in May and will continue seeing clients but actually get paid to do so and have 2900 hours left until I am an LPC.
4. Shaun. Shaun is in school and working. He has been mentoring his Student Pastor Assistant and will be taking a less active role in the youth ministry to focus on the community aspect of his job and the executive leadership role that he is to play. Needless to say, he is busy too. He preaches at the end of the month and again in April, so be sure to check the website to hear him! http://www.mosaicgc.com/ and check out our redesigned website with all of our staff photos and updates. Shaun also will be getting braces soon and this is an awesome gift for him. Although painful, it will be so worth it. So, no making fun of the dude with braces peeps!
5. Tyson. Tyson is doing well and his heart is completely healed. He is full of energy and poor Preston gets worn out sometimes by his constant pestering! He had 4 teeth pulled and was neutered last week, but even that didn't slow him down! He latest trick is to jump inside the toy basket and throw out the toys that he wants to play with and then jumping out to begin running around the house with the toy.
I think that about sums everything up! Shaun and I did take part in a fundraiser this past weekend that Mosaic put on as an outreach called night in a box. Over 50 people did this. We got cardboard boxes and slept outside in the church parking lot over night to raise awareness and money for the homeless. The local news even came out. We are still exhausted but it sure makes you grateful for your own bed and warm house. Check out the media clip about the event:http://www.wlox.com/global/category.asp?c=151146&clipId=&topVideoCatNo=15006&topVideoCatNoB=116100&topVideoCatNoC=116467&topVideoCatNoD=116474&topVideoCatNoE=88558
That's all for now Peeps! Have a good week and enjoy as Spring is coming... yeah!!!
Posted by The Campbells at Sunday, March 14, 2010 0 comments