Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Slide show of images

The Countdown has begun

Hello All!

We had the baby shower this past Saturday and it went really well. It was pouring down rain all day and there were still 40 people in attendance. The shower was really nice!!!!
I am thankful to have so many people here who care about us and to have so many family and friends back home who love us.

We are still getting things that we need together a little bit at a time. I still need a bassinet or a pack and play, bottles, a diaper bag, bathtub and towels, sleep gowns, a car seat, and a baby carrier so Shaun can wear Elliott in between services. Who knew babies needed so much stuff!?!? There are still a few other things, but they will come.

We had our appointment this morning and our 4D sonogram! The Dr. still won't move the due date, but Elliott can move the due date based on her size and if she wants to come early! If she gets too large, as we get closer to time, the Dr. will choose to induce labor.
The Dr. did say that we should make plans to have our Trunk or Treat Event covered by other staff just in case. I'm still measuring ahead and baby weighs 3 pounds and 13 ounces. On average, she will gain an ounce a day until delivery! If I was measuring where the due date is, she would only weigh 3 pounds right now.

Elliott was active the entire sonogram, which is good. Active baby means healthy baby!
Even if she is active all night long! She is head down and just looks amazing!
We were able to see her eyes and eyebrows and lashes, her hair, all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. She has really long arms! She has my lips and cheeks and Shaun's nose and chin! The technology with the 4D is soo freaking cool!

I am attaching a few photos. I am overwhelmed by just how amazing this is and how good God is to us. He truly is the Creator of all good things and to think that He has loved and known Elliott as His and to allow us to be her parents is truly humbling! I will be posting the dvd of the sonogram as soon as I can edit it.
Many o Lord my God are the wonders you have done!
The things you planned for us no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare!

Thank you for the continued prayers and support!!
Much Love!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tough Day today

Hello All,

Today is August the 18th. This day is bittersweet for me because August 18th was Jackson's birthday. We always did something special for the Pup on his birthday and it usually involved a trip to Petsmart to purchase a new sheep toy and greenie. Sounds silly I know, but they were very special in our lives and still hold a special place in our hearts. Today also marks almost a year since we lost the boys.

I know that God has grown us through this experience and some may not understand the feelings of loss that we have and still have but I can honestly say that we are grateful.

I am grateful for being allowed to have had something in my life that loved me and everyone around me unconditionally. I pray that I can show that kind of love to others. I am grateful that Jackson made such a difference in the lives of the children he got to meet. Many of you know that Jackson spent many days with me through my career at the Advocacy Centers and even was influential in the children's ministry of Mosaic. To some he may be just a dog, but to those kids, he was a companion and friend. He was there in a time when he was needed the most. I pray that others can say that about me.

I am grateful that he wasn't alone in death and that he died protecting someone he loved. Jackson was brother to Sebastian (Tiny) and to Preston. As the pit bull lunged for Tiny and Preston, Jackson stood in the gap and tried to protect his family. I pray that I have that kind of courage to stand up for those who can not protect themselves. I pray that I never forget the value that family has in my heart and life. I pray that when my days here on earth draw to a close, that you will be able to say that I fought the good fight, completed the race set before me and that my Heavenly Father will say to me: "Well done good and faithful servant."

I am grateful because as much as I loved them. I know that it is but a fraction of the amount of love that my Savior has for me. And just like Jackson's love for me, it is unconditional and undeserved.

Thank you Father for the gift that Jackson and Sebastian were to our family and in the lives of others.

I am grateful for Tyson and seeing him through all the struggles that he has faced at such an early age. He has survived a heart surgery, skin infection, and chronic pain. He never complains and you would not know that he even struggles. I know that God gave us Tyson to help us continue to learn and grow. I pray that I can have his fighting spirit and positive attitude.

I am grateful that we still have Preston with us. He is truly Shaun's loyal companion. And he's just plain funny! You can't help but laugh at some of his crazy antics. He also is a loyal friend to Tyson.

As we look forward to meeting little Elliott, may we remember that she is here but for a moment and that she is never really ours, but is the child of her heavenly Father. I am grateful to have had experienced death of our loved one to teach me how painful raising and losing another can be. I know that as a parent, we will experience the pain of growth and separation.

Our Doctor appointment went well. She is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, so not enough to move the due date. We may just have a big baby or she may come early. My blood pressure is good. Her heart is strong and she is very active. I didn't even get threatened with bed rest! :-) Now, we begin going in every two weeks for check ups. At the end of the month we will actually have a 4D sonogram. I can't wait to post it!

We have also been praying for a life verse for Elliott. I think that we have settled on Psalm 40:5. Elliott's name means the Lord is my God. The verse states: Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.

We know that He has done amazing things in our lives. So many that we can not even begin to explain to others. I know that His gift of Elliott will be another instance of His unexplainable goodness. And for that we are grateful.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to the real world

Hello All!

We are back to the real world and back home in MS. This is Day 1 back to work. It has been pouring down rain and isn't predicted to end anytime soon. We are trying to get accustomed to the humidity again!

The house remodel is done and Shaun and I are now officially sharing an office. This is Day 1 of that sharing and so far, so good. The baby furniture is in the nursery and we have begun setting everything up. I will blog some pictures very soon.

It was so good to see everyone during our brief trip to Texas. This will probably be our last trip to Texas before we have Elliott. I am so thankful for all of our friends and family. Thank you for all the meals and memories! I think Shaun really enjoyed his Taco Casa 20 pack! In fact, he's starting to talk again about how to get TC here to MS. Ughh!

We had an awesome time in Arkansas! The condo had no internet or phones. How awesome is that?!?! I did not know just how beautiful this place was. We stayed in the Horseshoe Bend area and stayed right on a lake. The lake was so clear that you could see 20 feet down. We spent an entire day just on the lake.

Now, I know that you won't believe this, but I had a great time on our trout adventure! We spent 2 days on the White River. We fished one day, camped overnight, and fished until 2 the next day. I got to share a boat with Jan and we had a blast! We caught over 130 fish and caught the largest brown trout out of everyone in the group. I even touched the fish and Gary helped me eat one that I caught for lunch. Are you shocked?!?! Jan took pictures for evidence!

The water on the White River is 50 degrees and felt like air conditioning! I had to jump in a couple of times to cool off and as soon as I did, Elliott started kicking like crazy!! Apparently she was not happy! She kicks a lot these days!

We did explore a cave, but did the safe, lighted, and paved tour. The cave was beautiful! I hope that next time we can do the wild cave adventure!

Shaun and I actually feel rested and made some great memories! Thank you Jan, Gary, Carter and Clayton! We love y'all!

Tomorrow we go back to the Dr. for a check up and I hope to find out more about the due date. Can you believe that we are already in the third trimester? I will keep you posted. I am looking forward to my baby shower here at the end of the month. I am grateful for the family get together and all the cute stuff. Thanks for limiting the pink! Stella and Dennis gave us a gift card and we used it to purchase a mattress for the crib. Thanks y'all!

Speaking of due dates, Rachele is having her baby today. I am still waiting to hear how it is going. Last check, it should be around 7:00. I can't wait to meet Carter Tyson! Please pray for her, Patrick, and Carter.

Much Love,