Big Girl eating real food.......
Good afternoon!
I got busy and skipped our 14 week update. But above are a few picts from last week. Biggest news is that Elliott has learned to talk...kind of. Shaun taught her to growl. That's right! Growl! So now when you talk to her, she will respond back with growling. It is the cutest thing EVER!
She also has begun eating with a spoon. We are eating cereal with apple sauce and the verdict seems to be that she likes it. She is eating 6.5 ounces each feeding now and is almost impossible to keep satisfied. So, we went ahead and starting eating. I am still breast feeding her too, so we spend a lot of time feeding Elliott these days! Click the link below and watch her eating for the first time!
Spring is in full swing here and the gnats are awful! You can't go outside without them eating you alive. I had hoped they wouldn't be here yet since we had such cold temps for here in January, but I guess you can't kill those devil birds! With that, our stroller time is limited so we are making trips to walk the beachfront instead. Elliott still doesn't seem to enjoy the car seat much. We have been going out running errands in the afternoon and some days she does ok, others she just melts down.
Work is going well. We are still just always busy but learning how to balance it all. Shaun and I are having to sync our calendars and balance watching Elliott but I am so grateful that we can be home with her for the most part. Starting in March, she will be attending church with us on Sundays as we can't afford a sitter all day on Sundays and Mondays. I pray that she will stay well and adjust quickly.
I am excited to share that starting in March, I will be doing all my counseling in a real counseling office and be in practice at a place called Islands Counseling. I'll be seeing children, women, and couples. I will start with one day a week and then see how it goes. I will actually get paid too! Whoo hoo!!! I should be on their website soon and am developing a client load now. I go shopping next week for office furniture. I will still see Mosaic people who need help and offer a sliding scale when needed. I will be earning my LPC hours and hopefully be fully licensed in the next year or so.
Shaun is getting certified to teach spin classes at the end of March and he will begin teaching a spin class or two each week soon. So, hopefully we can both lose our baby weight! :-)
I think that is all the updates for now.