The last few weeks have flown by! Our Easter services went very well. We moved to 4 services and served 1300 people. Right after that, I left for Atlanta for a week. Throw in the middle of all this, Tyson getting sick and almost dying, and Elliott getting an ear infection. Crazy, fun times!
I took my family ministry team to Atlanta for the Orange Conference. This conference is the premiere conference for people who do ministry the way that we do: different and innovative!
We all took away some great tools and hope to add them soon. While up there, tornadoes touched down in AL and hit 1 hour north of where we were staying. We have sent teams of people with supplies to help those affected in AL.
Tyson was given a blood transfusion and after a surgery and a switch of Vets, we have our healthy pup back! We really almost lost him. The Saturday of the Easter services, the Vet told us to be prepared to say good bye. I know that God intervened and saved our pup! It is the only explanation that fits because the Dr.'s can't give one!
Elliott is healthy and teething. We go for our 6 month check up next week. She is getting so big! She can sit up on her own and hold her own bottle! I have attached a few pictures! I am also going to be attaching a video of her bouncing in her chair. She is talking up a storm now! WE had her 6 month pictures taken this week and I hope to have those soon.
My first Mother's Day was great. Elliott's teacher made me the sweetest card and I have some great Mo Family who gave us encouragement and cards too. Shaun and I actually took this weekend off and we are heading to Perdido Key for a few days. This will be our first pool and beach experience for Elliott. I just hope her swim suit still fits! :-)
More to come soon!