Monday, May 19, 2008

Last Weekend in DFW

This weekend was our last weekend here in DFW. I can not believe how quickly the time has come!

Shaun and I decided that since it was our last weekend here, we should do something 'tourist-like". There were so many things that we have not done because we always put them off.

So, we went to the Dallas Aquarium. That is such a neat place! The monkeys and the sharks were amazing to watch. They have penguins and flamingos too. But, my opinion of penguins is forever changed! Those things SMELL! Seriously, they smell so bad that I thought that I was going to throw up! The Flamingo area was just as bad and the birds were spraying people!

Also,I DO NOT recommend going on a Saturday, unless you want to get pushed out of the way by a crazed mom and her infant stroller! Also, note to self: not a good place to visit if you are slightly claustrophobic!

I have attached a picture of me and behind me is the manatee that they have there at the aquarium. He or she was my favorite. We also got to have dinner with two very special friends, Rachele and Patrick. They cooked an amazing steak dinner for us! We really enjoyed just relaxing and talking with our friends. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while! Rachele and Patrick, we love you guys!

Sunday was also our anniversary! We were too busy to really do much, but can you believe we have been married 6 years! WOW! So much has changed in such a short time. God is so good to have allowed us to be married and to have the opportunity to work together at Mosaic Church. We are so blessed!

Lastly this weekend, our neighbor Virginia was kind enough to host a going away/ welcome to the neighborhood party for us and for our friends the Plemons who are moving into the house. The theme was Tex-Mex meets MS. So, we had plenty of Mexican food, margaritas, and in honor of Mississippi: Mud slides! Our neighbors are so kind and really made us feel at home when we first moved here. I am glad that Brian and Jessica got to come and meet them before we left and they moved in. We close on the house this Friday! So, Shaun and I are busy packing everything up to have it loaded in the POD by Thursday night.

Shaun and I are both working our last full week with our employers this week. Please continue to pray for us as we attempt to wrap all these things up and still do well in school. Did I forget to mention that we are both in school right now? Crazy!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement.
Many Blessings!