Hey there!
I hope that everyone is looking forward to July 4rth weekend! We are looking forward to some rest and some sun!! We have officially been in MS for 1 month! Can you believe it? It still doesn't feel like home, but it is getting easier.
We went to New Orleans on Monday to fly Maddie and Alec back home to Texas. We had such a wonderful week with them here.....Minus Shaun's face and tooth incident. He is off of the antibiotic and his face, eye swelling and for the most part pain is under control. He still needs to have a minor surgery on his sinus to fix the problem... but he is being stubborn and putting it off! Ugghhh Boys! So please email or call Shaun and give him a hard time about this. He needs to get it over with!!!
Sunday night, God did the MOST amazing thing! We had the privilege of praying with Maddie and Alec as they prayed the prayer of salvation. We were on the beach Sunday night looking for crabs after church and they started asking us a bunch of questions about God and what it felt like to have Jesus living inside you. Kids are so smart!
This kiddos are like our own and now they are our family forever through Christ. They will be coming back on the 27th of July for our ordination and that night they will be baptized on the beach. They will be the first people that we get to baptize. How amazing is that?!?! Another awesome part: this happened on their dad's birthday!
Shaun is getting adjusted to his job at the base. As part of his job he gets to work out at the Rec Center where he works. He even went bowling for 2 hours one day! I am still anxiously looking, but it will come.
I have to share with you some pictures... Jackson and Preston have discovered how to climb our tree in our backyard! I told Shaun about it the other morning, and he didn't believe me, so I had to get some photographic evidence...
How crazy is that?!?! Tree climbing dogs!??!
I also wanted to give you an update on Mosaic Kids. I have 20 kids ages 1 and 1/2- 12 right now. They all got their very own First Edition Mosaic Kids Worship CD this past Sunday and they were so excited! I am still working on purchasing supplies and developing a logo, but I wanted to show before pictures so that when the room is done, you can see the transformation. I also included a couple pf pictures of the kids during one of our activities. We are doing a series on the ups and downs of life and the feelings they bring, last week we focused on joy. This week the message was Hide from Pride. So, the game was to hide their team mate in the crepe paper. They LOVED it and really caught the message. It is amazing to see them catching on and actually learning and worshiping! Too cute!
The winning group....
Main Room for Mosaic Kids
Soon to be nursery, ages birth to 3.
Entrance to Mosaic Kids.

The other team... it was a close game!
Thank you for your continued encouragement and prayer. We are are so blessed to have you in our lives and to be a part of this amazing journey!