Happy Wednesday!
I am a few days behind in updating the blog. We have had a couple of crazy days. We are getting closer and closer to being completely ready for the Grand Opening. I am still awaiting the arrival of my nursery equipment and then we are good. Our Worship Pastor and his wife arrive on Tuesday, we are looking forward to having them here and getting them settled in.
Good news on the job front. I had an interview last week at the local mental health center and I have a good chance of working there in the Children's program. The neat thing about that is that I can complete my counseling hours there for my degree..
I also have an interview THIS Friday at 8:00 at the Biloxi ISD for a Crisis Counselor position. This position is new and they are hiring 4 Counselors. This job would be awesome too because of the hours and Summer off to really focus on Mosaic Kids! Thank you for your prayers regarding my job. I hope to know something by Tuesday.
Shaun is still loving his job. He actually joined the bowling team that the guys he works with have there at the Base. The hours are a little weird, but it is nice the weeks that he has 3 days off.
Thanks to Stella's encouragement and generosity (Thanks Mom!), Shaun is going to have the surgery on his tooth that he needed. Mom always knows what to do to make the stubborn son listen! He will be having the surgery after the grand opening.
Shaun has started his student ministry. We held our first leaders meeting Sunday night. It officially kicks off on August 3rd. We are both in desperate need of volunteers to help with the continued growth in kids. This is a GREAT problem to have!
I don't have any pictures from the past Sunday. It was our first Sunday morning service and it went really well. I had 7 new kids! I do have a picture of the mailer that will be going out this week to 55,000 homes here on the Coast to encourage them to attend our grand opening. Now, this isn't the final draft, but it is close. We are hoping that 1 percent attend, at that rate, that would be 550 people in addition to our usual 100! 

The dogs actually got new haircuts yesterday. There is a mobile dog groomer named Doug who comes to your house and grooms them in his van. He is a total dog lover and he did a great job on the boys. They got the short hair cut due to the heat. They went to the vet today and got their shots. Preston is on some antibiotic due to being bitten by several ants. The bugs here are insane! I just had to share their pictures, too.
Jackson is still pouting about everything!
We have several friends from Texas coming in over the next couple of weeks. I can't wait to see everyone!
Have a good week!
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