Hello All;
We are very lucky and hurricane Ike is not coming here, although we are still very worried about our friends in Texas and Louisiana. Things have gotten back to normal, although we are having really high tides due to the storm's outer bands. Once again, this Texas girl will take a tornado any day!
Updates on work are due:
Shaun officially has come on full time at Mosaic. He worked his last day on Saturday. It has already made a huge difference having him on full time. He and Jeremy, our Outreach Pastor installed air conditioning today in the Mo Kids area. I am SOO excited about that! Until now, we have not had air back there! There is air in the baby rooms, but not in the area we use for Mo Kids. So, we have been sweating it out...literally!
I am still working full time for Biloxi schools as an elementary counselor. I am doing a lot of individual sessions with children and crisis management. The storm last week upset a lot of children who lived through and witnessed Katrina, so it has been a busy week!
Speaking of School..... my school has a huge snake problem. We have had several moccasins get into classrooms, including the class next to me. Thanks to Memaw and Glenn, I no longer have to worry! They sent me a fire extinguisher to fight the snakes! Thank you guys!! I took a picture of it to share...
Update on Church:
We had nearly 400 people come this weekend!!!! IN Mosaic Kids, there was almost 100!! Compare that to June 1 where we had 60 people and 20 kids!!! Shaun is doing a great job at welcoming people and his youth group continues to grow. We had 40 at Cross Culture this past Sunday. It is so exciting to see these teens building relationships with their youth leaders and Shaun has a great group of leaders! Shaun also got to attend his first football game this week as Pastor, you know that isn't too tough for him..... He is planning to attend as many of those types of things as he can. Watch football as part of your job?! He is soo enjoying that! He will be preaching in the Main service sometime soon too.
In Mosaic Kids we are starting off a brand new series called the Quest this Sunday. Check out the logo that Jason designed for me. He and his wife are amazing to help and we are glad to have them for friends here! They also serve as youth group leaders. Jason helps me with set up, take down and leads Mo Kids. He is doing an awesome job! 

The Quest is based on the quest of knowledge of who Christ is and who we are in Him. So, it is Indiana Jones themed. We are building an elaborate set tomorrow, so I will have more pictures. But, since Jason and I are Indie... we needed someone to play the part of the smart, professor dad. So, guess who it is going to be?? Jackson!!! He will actually be there this Sunday and then for the following weeks, he will be on a quest. Check out his trench coat for the new series...

I felt bad that Preston didn't have an outfit, so I ordered him something too. It is his first tank top. It very appropriately has a skull and cross bones because he is bad to the bone! He seems to really like it although Shaun doesn't! We will be purchasing their Halloween costumes soon!
I think that is all for now. Thank you for your continued support and prayer. We need lots of prayer!!!
Good news from Mo Kids, we did our first prayer and time of commitment this past Sunday. 2 Children put their faith in Christ for the first time. In Main service, 2 adults did the same! We are so blessed to be a part of that and you are a part of this too!
Oh, the local paper also did a front page story on the church and included the children's worship. Check out the pictures at this site: http://www.sunherald.com/living/story/794019.html
More to come soon!
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