Hello there!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mo Kids take over!
Posted by The Campbells at Tuesday, November 18, 2008 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Big News!
Hello Friends and Family!
I have big news that I am excited to share with all of you. Many of you know how busy our lives have been and what a roller coaster ride we are on. Mosaic has grown at an extremely unexpected and amazing rate! We are a part of something very special here. With that being said, the time has come for me to make a decision with my 2 full time jobs. The Church is at a place where we are ready for me to come on full time as the Children's Minister, additionally I will be taking on the counseling responsibilities at the church. We are also bringing our Worship Minister full time as well. My last day with the Biloxi schools as their Mental Health Counselor is November 21st. It is a very exciting time for me. I am excited and scared, joyful, and sad all at once.
I LOVE my job at school and I love seeing the children heal and grow. I also LOVE my job at the church and seeing children learn and build relationships. Shaun and I moved here for Mosaic. We moved here because God called us here for this time, for this purpose. We are stepping out of the boat and looking forward. Please be in prayer for me. Pray for protection, for wisdom, and for confidence. We have been facing a lot, please pray for Shaun, pray for Mosaic and our staff, and pray for the Met our sending church.
This weekend is a very big weekend for our church. Mo Kids will be taking place in the main service. Dustin and I will co-teach and the parents will be encouraged to worship and pray together as a family. We will also be announcing that we will begin having 2 services beginning December 6th. We will be asking people to step out and serve in Mo Kids. In order to have two services, we have to have more volunteers in Mo Kids. So, this is a BIG weekend! Please be in prayer for the service and for those that God has planned to come and help us.
We started our new series this past weekend. I am attaching pictures. The theme is attitude of gratitude, rewind and remind. We were down in numbers this weekend, but not down in spirit! Check out these pictures!
We love you guys and are excited to see what comes next. We will be home to Texas in 2 weeks! Yummmy Thanksgiving food!
Posted by The Campbells at Monday, November 10, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sorry for the delay in posting, but it has been a CRAZY 2 weeks!
We have had a crazy week. Monday our microwave caught on fire, yes caught on fire! Thursday our washing machine went out and we had to register my car yesterday to Mississippi. Talk about money flying out the window! Good news is that we now have a really nice washer and dryer. But, it is a sad day in mudville people, the honda now sports a Mississippi license plate. A moment of silence please for this and the fact that a tag cost $450 for one year here in Mississippi!!! Yes, my Texas friends, that's right: for 1 year!!! Needless to say, we are holding out on Shaun's car as long as possible, so his still sports the Texas tag.

Posted by The Campbells at Tuesday, November 04, 2008 0 comments