Hello there!
I hope that you are enjoying your week before Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can soon!
I am excited to announce that I officially have 3 days left at the Biloxi schools. My clients are now in good hands, we hired my replacement Friday. And, she is the one that I hand picked for my position. I am meeting with her tomorrow to introduce her to the kiddos. SO, I can leave for vacation now and not have any worries there. Awesome!
A couple of weeks ago our microwave caught on fire... yes really: sparks and small flames. I have NO idea how or why, Shaun did it! So, we purchased a new microwave. The really pretty chrome kind that you can cook a turkey in (if I ate meat with parts of course). Well.. a few days later our washer dies.. once again, I wasn't there: Shaun did it. So, Shaun purchased us a new washer and dryer. Check them out! 

That's right: He went off the chain and did it up right! They even have a sanitizing mode and a steam mode! I never have to iron again! And all germs are incinerated! How sweet is that? When I began reading the instruction manual for the washer, it hit me. Man, what changed in my life that I am excited about appliances?!? Really? Am I that old? Or is it that I cherish different things now? 5 years ago it would have been designer clothes for myself. Now, it is appliances that will help me serve my husband to maintain our home. Wow! Proverbs 31 woman watch out! :-)
On a different note, Mo Kids took over the service this past weekend. I think that it went really well. Casey lead worship. He did a great job and it was fun to work with him, and we did Mo Kids songs. The kids stood on the Mo Kids stage and sang and did the motions and yes I sang and did the motions with my Garth Brooks wantabe mic. You try singing harmony, jumping up and down and doing motions all while wearing heels in front of 400 people! Coolest part was the kids and even the parents did it in the crowd. Rock On Brave Ones!
After worship, Jason and Casey did the memory verse and then I came out in my scientist costume and got into my "time machine" to see which time period we would rewind to. It was the 70's this week, so out I come in a black afro wig, solid gold dancer sunglasses and a smokin leather jacket. Mind you several teachers from my schools are in the audience(no pressure). We then show my toddler pict with me and my mom (Thanks Mom!) and then flash Big Dustin's pict from the 70's. Too funny. Dustin and I then taught on Paul's gratitude in Romans 16. You can listen to it on our website: http://www.mosaicchurchgulfcoast.com/. It is also available through podcast.
It was a great weekend! At the end we announced that we are going forward to having 2 services beginning Dec 7th, a 9 and an 11. So, we did a push for Mo Kids volunteers. We HAVE to have 32 NEW and ACTIVE volunteers in order to do this. So far, it isn't looking good! Please be praying that God moves in the hearts of our people and they step out to serve. Our staff is actually praying and fasting this Friday specifically for the 32. Join with us! The more the merrier! I will be speaking briefly this week to the church to ask again for volunteers.
I love the volunteers that serve with me now. They truly go above and beyond and love the kids! They were so kind to pray over me before the service this past weekend. I can not tell you how much of an impact their words and kindness made on me. What a blessing! They totally rock!
We love you guys! And we will see you soon.
Jess and Shaun
PS: TODAY is Preston's 1st birthday. Feel free to send me some chocolate cake! There isn't a bakery in Ocean Springs or Biloxi (I can't believe it either!) so no good bakery birthday cake for us!
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