Hello All;
Well, I finished my time with Biloxi schools last Friday. They teachers and the Counseling team threw me a big surprise luncheon. They even bought me a cake! Check it out.

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving week. We really enjoyed spending time back in Texas. Danielle was gracious and allowed us and the pups to stay with her. Her dog Dixie Lee and Preston are now the best of friends. Thanks Danielle! Speaking of pups, they did great on the car ride back to Texas. Check out this photo of Sebastian. They slept the ENTIRE way there. Even when we stopped in Longview for Taco Casa, which was closed!

I got to visit Target and Sephora... ahhaa!!! And believe it or not, I didn't purchase anything for myself at Sephora, just something for Shaun. I am still stunned myself! I also visited the shoe department at Nordstrom's and no purchases were made! Again: shocker! Dinner with Danielle and Steph and shopping: perfect evening! Steph even ventured into Sephora... sorry that we tricked you Steph. :-) No, they don't sell guitars there!
We also got to visit the Boys and Girls Club, Alliance for Children, the Moore's and the Martinez crew. It was so good to see everyone! We are so blessed to have you guys in our lives. I am so proud of Maddie and Alec especially! They are fabulous kids and have such great hearts. God has big plans for those two! Check out how tall Maddie has gotten since the summer. We love you guys!

On the way to the Boys and Girls Club, we drove past the new stadium for the Cowboys. The Cowboys are doing a lot for the Clubs. We took a picture on the way to the Club. It is insanely huge! The Director of Operations for the Club gave us some stats on the new facility and the plans for helping the Club. Crazy good!

We drove to Wichita Falls on Tuesday night. We stayed with Grannie and Angie. They were so great to keep us and the pups. Grannie fixed awesome breakfast for us! And the food fest just continued after that... the reason for the delay in the posting of the blog is due to my food coma! I just recovered!My parents grilled us some mean burgers and some delicious brownies. Shaun's parents fried us fish and we had the best coleslaw in all of north Texas! Thursday was Jan and Gary's, turkey, dressing, Lebanese food, and I got the family recipe for kibba. Now THAT is a great day! We really enjoyed the food, but seeing the company was even better. I wish that we had some more time to see everyone that we wanted to see, we just ran out of time. So, next trip....
Today was my first day working full time for Mosaic. It is still very different and surreal. Shaun and I really had some time to reflect and realize how lucky we are to be a part of Mosaic and work with such great people. Dustin and Nat are so good to us! It is still a mystery to me how God works. This time last year, who would have thought that we would be working full time for a church? A church that has grown and is still growing and more importantly people are serving and lives are being changed! God's grace is so sufficient! We begin holding two services this weekend! Please be praying for Mosaic, for the people who will be coming, and for our staff.
I will let you know how it goes. Mo Kids still needs volunteers, but they will come soon. We start our new series this weekend. Check out the awesome logo! Thanks Jason! 
More to come! We love you guys! Thank you for loving us! Christmas is coming soon!
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