I am excited to say that we have officially made it through the 20 week mark! So, now just 20 weeks to go before we get to meet our sweet Elliott Swaydan Campbell! Unless she decides November 14th is too late or early....let's hope not!
I decided that I wasn't going to be one of "those" people who take pictures of their belly every week and place it out there for everyone to see. It is just kind of weird to me. Besides, I really don't want my hugeness being forever documented! But, I will tell you that you can now see for sure that I am pregnant. I look like I swallowed a pillow! The experienced moms tell me that I am carrying high because it is a girl?!
We have picked out the baby bedding and are now onto shopping for paint. Our friends were kind enough to give us their hand crafted nursery furniture and Jeremy is now glazing it to give it that southern and antique look. I can't wait to get it in the house! Shaun has been so kind and he even cleaned out his closets and moved his stuff out of the baby room.
Church is busy as always. I am in super work mode as we are gearing up for our summer event, Extreme Week. I am in the middle of ordering inflatable sumo suits, processing registration forms, and writing lessons. I always seem to run out of time! I can't wait to see Steph as she is coming to lead the band! It is going to rock!
Shaun is home safe from his mission trip to Texas and his official duties as youth pastor have been passed onto our new youth pastor. This leaves Shaun to be freed up to serve all of our community groups and assist Dustin. My title has changed to family minister and Ashley is now the full time children's minister. This frees me up to help families and to lead all of our ministries for children ages birth- high school. Summer is typically lower in attendance and this is no different for us.
Of course, we are all concerned about the oil. We had been untouched by the oil until this week. Now the oil has made it through our barrier islands and has hit our beaches. We are praying that a hurricane does not come because that would be even more devastating to our Coast.
That's all for now! Thank you for your prayer and encouragement! Oh yeah, and for those who remembered my birthday.... THANK YOU!!! Somehow birthdays just are not as fun as we get old!
Much love,