I am excited to share that Baby Campbell is a Girl!!
I went to the Dr. today and had a sonogram. Great news is that she weighs 9 ounces and looks to be right on target. They did move my due date to November the 14th.
Natalie went with me today because Shaun is in Texas with the youth doing their mission trip. I was sad that he couldn't be there but had to do it this week because the sonogram tech is on vacation next week! Natalie was so supportive and gracious. I am blessed to have her for a friend. Now, no worries about Shaun seeing the baby because they made me a video of the sonogram too just for the Daddy to be! I have a few of the pictures below. Here she is sucking her thumb.

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. I feel great and I am looking forward to meeting our little girl soon. I was just amazed at how clear the sonogram is in person and what a better gift for my birthday than seeing our baby!
Now, the fun stuff..... getting the nursery ready!!! No pink for this Baby Girl though, that is too plain and boring!
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