I just thought I'd say hello and give a brief update about the happenings in our world.
Not much too exciting to report. We have been working like crazy just due to the sheer number of families coming to us that need help. That is a good thing! Shaun and I have begun to hand off some things in preparation for Elliott's arrival. We have a great team that can cover it too! I am excited because our friend Eric from the Met in Texas has begun coming here and directing our worship. He is also helping at Colonial too. Of course, our friend Terry is the Pastor there at Colonial and many of you know how instrumental he was in guiding us to where we are now.
We are having a church wide baby shower this weekend after the 11:00 Service. I am hoping that it all goes well and I look forward to seeing all my Mosaic Family. Seems like everyone is excited and ready to meet Elliott.
Elliott seems to be doing well. I am having difficulty bending now due to the size of my belly. I can still see my toes if I lean forward. We went to the doctor yesterday. There is still not an exact due date now due to her size and I measured 36 weeks. According to my original thought to be due date, I should only be 34 weeks and her sonogram measures her to be at 35 weeks. So, we are saying that we have 4-6 weeks left. Give or take a few weeks. She is still head down and the kicks are less due to the lack of space. Although, we can now see her butt on the side of my belly when she sticks it out. Based on the sonogram from 6 weeks ago, she would be weighing in at almost 6 pounds now! We go back again on October the 4rth, so we shall see what develops then. I am hoping that I get to take some time off soon to rest as I am get very tired very easily and still not a lot of sleep at night. The Doctor did say to start to really take it easy now. I am going to try!
I am looking forward to this Tuesday. Jan and Gary will be in New Orleans for a few days, so we will get to spend some time eating good cajun food and hanging out with them. I miss my family very much and it is good to have them here, especially now as we get ready for Elliott to be here.
We had an appointment for Tyson this past week too. He is doing great! He is still not 100 %, but almost. He had all his fur again and it seems like we are really getting to see his personality develop now that he finally feels better. He is super intrigued by Elliott's room. Every time I go in there, he goes and gets his toys from the living room basket and drops them in the floor of her room. He will continue to follow that routine until he runs out of toys or I shut the door the her room. It will be interesting to see how he adjusts!
That's all the updates for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
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