First a few photos!
Elliott's first bath

Too Cute in her yellow suit!

Handmade bow from Jade

Wow! Time is flying by! I can not believe that Elliott will be 4 weeks old tomorrow! Our days are getting more routine. Sometimes it seems like the movie Groundhog Day.... diaper, eat, sleep, cry, diaper, eat, sleep, cry. But I love it!
Elliott is growing a ton. We had to take her to the doctor's this week for a rash on her face. No worries, it is super common and apparently she has sensitive skin like her mama. So, we have to wash all clothing, including ours in dreft and if anyone holds her, they must be covered in a blanket that we have washed to prevent her skin coming in contact with their perfumes, detergents, or other things. She weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces on Monday! She is wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes. We are working on a schedule that fits our needs and hers. She seems to be doing well. It is also neat because she has more awake time now and without crying. We really are blessed with a sweet baby and she is a good baby.
I am recovering still and it is getting easier each day. My blood levels are increasing and as they increase, I will continue to get better. My incision is healing and I am off of pain medication. I even get to drive now! In fact, I took my first trip alone to Walmart yesterday. It was weird to not be with Shaun and Elliott! So, luckily it was a short trip!
I hope that everyone is getting ready for the holidays. I can't believe that it is almost mid-december. Shaun and I aren't planning on doing too much for the holiday. He will have to work our Christmas services and preaches the first weekend in January.
I hope to return to working on Sundays starting in January. I am answering emails and phone calls, but am not attending meetings or working Sunday services. When I do return, I plan on keeping Elliott with me. It is cold and flu season and the Dr. has ordered that Elliott not be allowed out of the house until 6 weeks of age and recommends that she not go to the church nursery. I learned that mandatory procedure for a child who presents at the Dr.'s with a fever is hospitalization, ivs, and a spinal tap. So, needless to say, it is better to be safe than sorry.
That's all I know for now. Keep us in your prayers!
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