Check out her cute dress! She's in size 6 months, but already growing out of some of them!

Sleeping in her crib sans swaddle and all on her own!!

Wow! We had one CRAZY week last week! I feel like I am just now catching back up.
First, on Monday, Shaun got jury duty and it turned out to be a murder trial. He made it through all the rounds but the last one for selection. Whew it was close. We are lucky too because if he had been chosen he would have been immediately sequestered until after the trial which was projected to last 3 weeks. Bullet 1 dodged!
On Tuesday, Elliott started having trouble sleeping in the day time and was only sleeping for 30 minutes to an hour tops. Additionally, she started the fight with the swaddle. She didn't want to be in it, but couldn't sleep without it so thus the fight began. We started unswaddling one arm and after 3 days moved to the other arm. At night, she would try to sleep but would wake up every 2 hours hitting herself. She also was not sleeping well in her swing anymore and we were trying to transition her to the crib. So, needless to say Mommy got very little sleep at night and very little work accomplished during the day. This pattern continued through Sunday.
I also had to try to hunt down office furniture for my new counseling office with a cranky baby who screams in the carseat. I finally found some on Thursday in Gulfport and had to drive it back home in the truck as 40 mile per hour winds blew. But, office is now up and running!
Thursday morning our friends who moved to Texas arrived to stay with us through Monday. They have a daughter, Abi, who is 2 weeks younger than Elliott. They were here because they were in the wedding party of our friends Nikki and Kevin. Shaun and I officiated the ceremony. James drove 1 hour from his home and convinced the local Taco Casa there to separately wrap the taco ingredients and they brought enough tacos to feed Shaun for 3 days. He was a very happy boy!
Friday was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal went well. We brought Elliott to the dinner where she managed to throw up all over me and the floor within 10 minutes of arrival and scream after 30 minutes. Needless to say, we left fairly early. Saturday was the wedding and we were there from 12-3.
Dustin was gone, so in addition to all of this, Shaun was in charge and preached the main services Saturday and Sunday. He spoke on depression and Elijah and it seemed to impact a lot of our people in a good way. Shaun also had to write a paper for school Sunday night after such a busy day.
Saturday and Sunday was also Elliott's first time in the church nursery all weekend. We had been paying sitters to watch her on Sundays and on Saturday nights she was only in there while I was doing worship and then I would take her home.
Our friends left on Monday and then it was time for Mardi Gras. It was so good to have our friends here! They helped with Elliott and just blessed us! They are both nurses and James did peds for a while. When we started talking about the car seat drama with Elliott, he suggested that it might be the seat itself. So, we put her in their seat and drove her around. NO screaming, no crying, giggling and no drama! It was the seat all along, who knew?!?! Now we have a new Chicco seat for our very own and it is like a different world! She doesn't scream and she even falls asleep in it!
We went to Natalie's parent's home to experience our first parade with Elliott on Tuesday. The wind was terrible! So, we didn't make it to actually see the parade but we did enjoy the food and friends.
The rest of this week has been a blur. Big news this week is that we went and checked out daycares. We signed Elliott up to start daycare on Monday. This is a huge step for Mommy! But, we have to work and it will be good for her to be around other kiddos. She won't be going every day, but will be there on Mondays and Thursdays for sure.
This week Elliott has been like a different kiddo compared to last week! She is sleeping without the swaddle and in her crib. She is sleeping 7 hours at night! She even put herself to sleep during nap time! Trips have been great, no melt downs in the car or in the store. She is eating more solid food too. She eats cereal with apple sauce in the morning and at night she eats a veggie. Today is new food Friday, so we try peas tonight. Last night, she ate an entire container of sweet potatoes! She is in love with Elmo and just kicks and giggles when he is on the tv. She is getting so big so fast! She is 17 weeks, but will be 4 months old on Sunday. We go Tuesday to the Doctor and she gets her second set of shots.
That's it for now. Much love!
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