Today is a very special day. It is my parent's anniversary as well as my sister's birthday.
As young as I was, I do have a few memories from their wedding day. I remember hiding under a table cloth during their reception and I remember getting in trouble and a spanking from my Paw Paw for acting up during the wedding. I think that I was talking loudly and crawling under the pew! Imagine that?!?
I didn't know it then and even as I grew up, but I now know that day was one of the most significant days of my life. It has been said that families are not born by blood but by love and that day my family was born. You see, my Mom married my Dad and an entire new future was created. My Dad fell in love with my Mom and all that came with her, including me.
I am eternally grateful for this day. Because of this day, I have a family that loves me and supports me. I have a family that taught me that I am a child of God and that He loves me no matter what. I have grandparents that encouraged me and Aunts and Uncles who cheered me on. I was shown that family comes in many forms and family has nothing to do with genetics but has everything to do with the heart. Those that love and care for you are your family. My Dad chose to love me, to care for me, to provide for me and I am his child. My Mom fought hard for me and could have chosen an easier path by giving up, but she did not. What a beautiful picture for what God does for us! He could easily decide that it would be to hard to care for us, grow us, teach us, but instead He chooses to love us. So much so, that He sent His Son to die for us. Just as in my family, it has never even been considered that my Dad adopted me, God has no adopted children. We are all His to redeem.
I know that my family isn't perfect. But what family is?!?! When we look at families in the Bible, we realize that all families are dysfunctional. It started with the first family Adam and Eve and let's be honest, it just goes down hill from there! David, Eli, Abraham, Lot, Elizabeth, Samuel, all had some sort of dysfunction!! When I try to compare myself to the ideal family that the Christian books portray, I am left feeling inadequate and inept. But when I read the Bible, I am encouraged as a parent.
My parents, with their brokenness and issues are the parents that God chose specifically for me. And in my brokenness, I was the child that God chose specifically for them. Through their brokenness, I had a front row seat to His goodness and grace. I am encouraged that God is at work through all of us and weaving his story of redemption and restoration. I hope that as we raise Elliott, I follow some of their lead and realize that what I leave my child isn't as important as what I leave in my child. May God be merciful and redeem that which is His.
So, happy anniversary Mom and Dad! Thank you for loving me.
Elliott will be 5 months old tomorrow! I can not believe it! She is growing entirely too fast! She is in 9 month size clothing and she is now squealing all the time to talk and is trying to hold her own bottle. She is grasping and reaching for things and is familiar with her routine. She has taken an interest in the pups and poor Tyson has had his fur grabbed already! So, here are a few pictures of Elliott taken recently.

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