Happy Tuesday!
Yes, I am posting a day early. I am trying to get everything taken care of first thing during the week.... we'll see how the rest of it goes.
I do have a 25 page paper due for school and I start the hardest class in the degree program next week, needless to say, lots of prayer needed there. :-) And, Shaun has a 25 pager due this week too.
In addition to that, Shaun is preaching the main service this weekend. He is super excited, but nervous. You know how that goes. All of you will be able to listen to him on Monday if you visit our churches website: http://www.mosaicchurchgulfcoast.com/. Or you can download the podcast of Mosaic Church from itunes. If you have time, please send out a prayer for this weekend and send a shout out to Shaun to encourage him. His email is shaun@mosaicchurchgulfcoast.com.
We wrapped up our series: The Quest in Mo Kids this past weekend. As my loyal readers know, Jackson has been on a quest around the world to see who Christ is and who he is in Christ. Last week, we had 103 kids and 460 total for church. This week, we had 104 kids and 404 total in church. Do the math people, 25% or 1/4rth of our church consists of kids ages newborn to 5th grade!
We opened up another room this weekend and it was already full! Below is the 1 and 2 year old room: Tiny Mosaics.
And here is the 3 and 4 year old room: Little Mosaics....

I thought that I'd share a few photos from this weekend's small group activity. Imagine if you will 70 or so kids in a room. Now, imagine 70 kids with play dough... SCARY, right? Well, it went off amazingly well. No messes, and it really helped the kids reinforce the lesson. People thought that I was nuts to try it... but the kids and the volunteers really enjoyed it. SO, to all the dough haters out there... can't we just give the dough a chance? :-) Check out the picts:

At the end of the Mo Kids service this past week, we had a formal time for prayer and salvation. Complete with live acoustic worship, thanks to Wade! We had 14 children put their faith in Christ for the very first time! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?! The volunteers were very clear in explaining and the youngest kiddo was 5! God is good! We also had 1 adult in Main service as well. Baptisms were Sunday night on the beach. We baptized over 10 people. 1 of whom was a Mo Kid and 3 who were Cross Culture Youths. To see some pictures, visit our website: http://www.mosaicchurchgulfcoast.com/.
We begin our new series this week in Mo Kids. My awesome friend and fearless helper, Jason designed the logo. Check it out. 

The theme is determination. How timely is that?!? It also ties into our home group study on Nehemiah. I can't give away too much yet, but let's just say there could be a Hanna Montana costume involved...
Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Please pray for this weekend.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
i actually semi-"stole" that logo idea from somewhere, i just had to recreate it...so REALLY, i didnt "DESIGN" it. THANKS THOUGH! I'll still take the credit
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