Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This week in history...

Hello All,

Another week already?!? And it is already October? I can't believe how fast time seems to fly. I was hoping to see fall leaves and all that good stuff, but apparently that doesn't happen here in MS. The leaves stay green all year long. But, it is in the lower 80's and gorgeous... best part: we are officially out of hurricane season!

We actually spent Saturday in Gulfshores, Al. It is beautiful there and only 2 hours away. We spent our first ever day as Mosaic Staff together. I think that everyone had a good time. I enjoyed my trip to their really nice and clean Super Target. But, I contained myself, very little damage was done. I mainly bought food things that no one carries here. Feeding Shaun can be tedious, so it was actually a good investment.

Speaking of cooking, Shaun attempted to make dinner last night. He tried so hard, but it was not good. A for effort and thought. He tried to cook chicken in wing sauce. But, he baked the chicken in the sauce and added raw shrimp and taco casa sauce. The entire house smelled AWFUL. Even my shirt smelled like it. So, we had to throw it away and ordered pizza instead. It was so sweet of him to try, it has just been a REALLY long time since he has cooked anything but reheating left overs, so we need more practice. SO, be sure to tease him about his wing sauce fiasco!

Big news on the Church front: We had 450 people this past weekend! And... drum roll please..... We broke to 100 kid mark in Mosaic Kids: 103 to be exact! And we managed all those kids with a limited number of volunteers. We are wrapping up our series the Quest this weekend. Finally as promised, I have pictures of the set for this series. Check it out!

Before Mo Kids service....

Yes, we painted and put together all of this!

During the lesson time: The picture doesn't give the full effect, there are 75 kids packed in there! I also have an AMAZING and dedicated group of volunteers who make all of this possible each week. Due to the growth, I am opening a new room up this weekend for the little ones. We now have 3 rooms for 0-4's and the Mo Kids area for 5-12. I also get to hire one of my volunteers, Katherine, (love her!!) to take over the little mo area. This is a HUGE help to me, and she has a heart for kids that age, more so than me. :-)

The Youth service is growing as well. Shaun has been blessed with a great group of leaders who have a heart to serve teenagers. They even hang out together as a group and the kids contact the leaders throughout the week. I think that he had 40 last week. We have also gotten some kids who can play, so I will be working with them and we start live worship next weekend.

This weekend is our quarterly baptism at the beach. I think that we have 15 signed up, but it could end up being more or less. I am excited because one of my kiddos from Mo Kids will be baptized. I may even be the one to do it!

School is getting better for me too. We made it through the first quarter and I am actually getting a schedule carved out for each day with my regular clients. This helps me in my planning. You guys know I live by my planner! I get an entire week off at Thanksgiving and I can not wait to eat dinner at Jan's! It is only 6 weeks away?!?!

I hope that this update finds you doing well. We love all of you guys and are so blessed to have you in our lives as we go through this crazy journey. We could not make it without your prayers and support... and ears to listen. :-) We love you! Give us a holla!

