Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Full Term


It is official. Elliott is now considered full term and if/when labor begins, it will be GO time. The Doctor said that everything looks good and we are scheduled for our final ultrasound next week. So, I technically have 3 ish weeks left. The Doctor also said that I should be able to deliver an 8 pound baby no problem. Ummm.... yeah for me?!?! She also told Shaun that should the Rangers make the world series and be playing during the early stages of labor, that he can watch them on TV in the room. Glad to know he has questions about the important things!

I had hoped that Elliott would make her appearance today in honor of Siti's birthday, but so far, doesn't look like that will happen.

I have been thinking a lot today about Siti and how truly blessed I am that she was such a big part of our lives. I know that even today, she is making a difference in the lives of those she is around despite her illness.

I remember how I used to climb the tree in the yard at the house on Farrington and how much she would fuss and worry. "Get down dear, you could fall." I remember how I loved when she would pick me up from school when I was sick and make me homemade soup. "You need to eat, you need to eat." I remember how she sewed all of my Christmas dresses, special events dresses, and even altered my wedding dress. " I don't need a new sewing machine, mine works just fine." I remember how she tutored Shaun in Algebra and got him through his first semester at MSU. " You must learn and use your times tables, math is important." Shaun of course didn't mind all the free food that came with the lessons! "You are a big young man, you need to need to eat!"

I remember how she saved EVERYTHING and always scraped the bottom of the bowl or pan to ensure that every last drop was used. I admit, I save twist ties and scrape the bowl too. She taught me how to cook without ever measuring and not really following a recipe. She taught me how to clean a house and watch out for germs. I admit, I'm still a little prone to go overboard when it comes to germs and hand sanitizer!

Siti taught me how to love a man unconditionally and what it means to be an honoring wife. That love is truly patient and kind, it does not boast, it is not arrogant or self seeking. I have also seen how much it hurts to lose that love to such a crushing and unfair illness.

So, happy birthday Siti! I hope that I can pass on your knowledge to Elliott and pray that I will have half of the servant's heart that you do. Thank you Lord for Siti's!

So, maybe Elliott won't have her birthday, but I do hope that she has her heart! I'll update more next week after we have our final sonogram!