Hello All,
Most of you know how umm... "determined" I can be. Some might even dare to label my determination as stubbornness. Well, being so umm...."determined" taught me a tough lesson yesterday.
So, what did I learn you ask? I learned that your center of gravity really is off when you are pregnant and that when you are 35 weeks pregnant, you should not run after escaping four year olds because if you do, you will get to visit the labor and delivery floor of the hospital.
So, yes, I took a pretty bad fall yesterday in the front lobby of the church and in a dress! Lucky for me, my ummm...assets remained fully covered and it happened 20 minutes into when the first service had already begun, so not EVERYONE saw it! We had an escaped kiddo running down the hall and I was up front and started running after him (without thinking) because I didn't want him to run out the front doors into the parking lot. I reached for the hood of his hoodie and fell forward right onto the big belly. Good news is it distracted the kid long enough for someone to grab him. I think if I had been wearing flip flops that weren't too big, I totally would have caught him! So, note to self: go buy new shoes! Just don't tell Shaun! :-)
Note to parents: don't give your four year old a mohawk and don't pierce his ear and give him a big blue topaz earring. He's not in a rap video and all your setting him up for is a life of delinquency! He's never going to be bank president or supreme court justice with that foundation. And when we tell you that he hit someone and then escaped, don't blame the worker, confront that kiddo and whip that butt! By the way, the name Tyler is officially added to my list of names that one can not name their child or they are destined to be one of my clients list. For a full listing of all names, just email me! Ok, I'm off my soapbox now...
So, what else did I learn yesterday you ask? I learned that the hospital where we will deliver Elliott is very nice and the staff are all very kind. I also learned that falls should be taken seriously. I learned that the amniotic sack is nature's way of creating an airbag for your baby and that when one falls, they can expect to be ridiculously sore and need to rest.
I also learned that Elliott is 100% ok and that according to the sonogram, she is weighing 6 pounds and 6 ounces as of yesterday! The sonogram tech told me that she is head down (very head down) and then stated and I quote.."Wow, she has a large head". Yeah for me on the day of delivery, whenever that day comes. Obviously, she did not get her father's melon! :-)
So, we spent most of the day at the hospital for observation and they gave me an iv to stop the contractions. I wasn't in labor at all... no dilation or effacement, but the contractions were more than the usual braxton hicks that I've been having for the last few weeks. I was ordered to rest for the rest of the day and to not chase kiddos for the duration of the pregnancy.
Lesson learned!!!!
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