Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sonogram Photo

I am adding the pictures from yesterday. As you can see, they are not very clear. At this point in development, the sonogram doesn't capture images as well because of the size of the baby as well as the lack of amniotic fluid. The first image is her foot. She is sticking it in the air and used it to kick the sonogram tech's machine! This is a profile of Elliott's face. You can see her lips and the tip of her nose. As you can see, she has a big head! We got to see her practicing her sucking with her lips and even her breathing. So cool! Now, if she would just decide to go ahead and introduce herself to the world, then that would be great! The little bubble looking things to the left is actually her umbilical chord. Right below that is her hand and fingers. The stuff around her nose is actually the placenta. Pretty cool, huh?!?!