Monday, January 17, 2011

9 Weeks

As usual, pictures first.....

Hello All,

Time just keeps flying by! Elliott is now 9 weeks old as of Saturday. She seems to just be growing and learning everyday. We are doing well on our schedule and are so close to sleeping through the night. I am looking forward to that day! Right now, she is sleeping 5-6 hours most nights.
Of course, we are having to adjust her schedule a little bit to fit, but overall it has made a huge difference.

Elliott is now smiling at us and cooing. She loves her owl mobile and smiles at herself in the mirror. We sing a lot and peak a boo and kissy face are favorite games. She loves music and she loves ghetto tunes and worship tunes. Perfect! We are taking her for walks as weather allows and are braving the car rides more often.

This week, we are interviewing a few potential babysitters. Shaun and I both have to work up at the church on Mondays so we need someone for that day and finding someone so we can have a night out would be a bonus! On Sundays, Elliott stays home while we work. I have hired our child care workers from church to watch her at our home. She did great yesterday and I managed ok. I only sent 3 texts to check in!

Church is still growing. We had around 900 yesterday. Mo Kids has expanded into another building and it is great! We have a ton of room now and can continue to grow without adding another service. It also allows for more room in our Lil Mo program. Now our 4 and unders have a new space for worship and teaching. Shaun is busy this week as we prepare for volunteer and community fairs. He is also busy training new leaders this week. He is scheduled to go to a training in Orlando the first week of February so Elliott and I will be on our own.

I am resuming seeing so counseling patients and have limited the number of patients that I will see. I currently only have 2. I think that is all for now....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

7 Weeks


Elliott turned 7 weeks old on Saturday and started experiencing the 7 week old growth spurt. So, we have been feeding her all the time and the dreaded "45 Minute Intruder" that all the books warn about is alive and well at our house. During this growth spurt, it is common that babies wake up 45 minutes into their sleep and the only cure is to feed it. So, Elliott is really packing away the food!

I am dreading tomorrow because Elliott has a Dr. appointment and receives her first set of shots. I don't know who will be more upset, me or Elliott! Since Shaun is afraid of needles, looks like the girls will have to brave this one.

Shaun preached in the services this weekend at church. I have heard that he did a great job. He spoke on fear and courage. Check it out on our website: I start back to work this Sunday and am excited and nervous. I have special helpers lined up to watch Elliott so that she does not have to go into the nursery just yet. I am excited to be there for the launch of our expanded children's area. We have outgrown our current space and are leasing a building next door just for our older kiddos! So, please pray for me, for this weekend, and for Elliott as she experiences her new Sunday routine.

I don't have any pictures to add this post. But, will have some next time! Until then......