Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lots to update!

Wow! Time is flying! We celebrated E's birthday yesterday. She did great with all the people and the action. I think that she just thought it was another day at church!

She is such a people person and we are blessed to have a kiddo with such personality!

Momo and Papo came for a visit last weekend for her actual birthday and they spoiled her rotten!

The weekend before we were blessed to have the Shields Crew hanging out with us and enjoying the Peter Anderson festival.

We are looking forward to this week as the Church offices officially close and we hope to fit in some much needed rest.

Here are a few pictures from her party! There are more on facebook.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tough stuff

Hello All,

The last few weeks have been very tough. We have had four different families lose love ones and this week was the 1 year anniversary for another family who lost their only son. So, we have been grieving with our Mo Family as they grieve.

These weeks are tough emotionally but also tough physically. We still have other work things that we must do, we still have weekend services to handle and we still have to manage our families. I am grateful that I work with such a good team.

The weather is beautiful here, so we have been trying to enjoy it when we can. It is also very refreshing to be out in it.

Party planning has begun for Elliott's birthday. We are hosting an Elliott and Elmo party. I have decided to make most of her party crafts, so the fun has begun! Who knew crafting could be so fun?!? Pictures to come soon!

Elliott is just growing and learning everyday. She is close to walking but not quite there. She will take a step, but that is it. She knows the word oops now too. She dropped her toy in the bathtub the other night and said "oop". Soo cute!!

I'll post videos and pictures soon.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

We are ok!

Texas Peeps,

I know the national news is making it sound like we are in horrible weather, but we are not! It is just a lot of rain and some wind. So, no worries!

Shaun and I have been super busy as we just finished hosting a marriage conference at the church as well as preparing for the launch of the City, weekend services, and several funerals, births, and weddings.

We are rejoicing with our Pastor Dustin and his wife as they recently adopted a newborn baby boy, Rhett. A journey that began 15 years ago for them. He is perfect and healthy and was born in Texas, so he is one of us! ;-)

Elliott is great. More interested in Rhett's puppy Zoey than in Rhett, she just a bundle of energy. She has several words that she can say, daddy, mama, tree, and dog. Although, dog is her favorite.

I will update more when thinks slow down. But, check out this video of some of my kiddos sharing their faith story. This is why we do what we do and why we are so blessed to be used by Him!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First bite of lebanese food

E tried her first bite of lebanese food Saturday. I made yubra. I made WAY too much by the way and ended up with 3 pots full of them! No worries though, Shaun has eaten all of them minus a few that were shared with friends.

I even had leban. Elliott tried it with that and I think it was too sour for her. After her first bite, we tried it without it and she loved it! As Jidi always says....enjoy! Saute?!?

First bite yubra from Jessica Campbell on Vimeo.

Almost 9 Months!

Here are a few recent pictures of Elliott. She is just learning and growing every day! She will be 9 months old on the 13th. This time has just flown by much too quickly!

She is improving on her walking skills, not really stepping by herself, but running when in her walker and walking with help from us. She keeps trying to stand up when crawling and has almost mastered it!

We are adventuring into the world of real solid foods and so far eggs, toast, Lebanese food, squash, sweet potatoes and bananas have all been a success! She still only has her 2 front bottom teeth, but her top gums are very swollen and white. The Dr. thinks her top teeth will be coming soon.

JessicaSunday night at church. Sundays are so hard on her, but she is a trooper!
Her footed monkey pjs that were big last month now fit. She is wearing 18 month size clothing now and just keeps growing!
First bite of real bananas.....yummo!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Coupon Drama


We have come to realize that kids are very expensive! We have traded Shaun's truck for an even more used vehicle to try to drop some car debt and are looking for ways to save more money. The County Tax office messed up our warranty deed filing causing our house payment to go up $300.00 a month until we can refile in January! Add this to the cost of gas, food, electricity, and day care and we had to do something!

Shaun is teaching spin classes to keep himself healthy. Since heart disease seems to run in his family, he had to vow to keep healthy and try to live longer than some of the other men in his family. This also adds a little extra income a month. I am counseling clients on Wednesdays and Thursdays trying to finish my hours for LPC and to earn a little extra. Problem with counseling clients here in MS is that they want things for free and since I work for Mosaic, it is a fine line that I walk. Average rate for counseling is $100-125.00 per session. I charge $50.00 and offer some discounts for extreme needs. People still complain and I even had one person go through the session and then tell me they couldn't pay that day!

So, I took a class on couponing in effort for us to save money. So, I have started the new adventure. Now, when I talk about this, I am not talking extreme couponing like on TV. That isn't real and as a counselor, I think it borders on being a disorder! But, I learned the right way and easy way to try to save my family money on things that we already buy. MY first trip was an utter fail. They were out of everything I needed and Shaun was with me, so time was very limited as he is very impatient when it comes to shopping. I didn't give up though and my other trips have been much better! I have saved over $100 thus far! I even got diapers for $1.50! If you want to learn more, email me and I will send you the how tos!

We knew coming to start Mosaic would require us to sacrifice. And we are grateful for the blessings that have come through this time. There has been and will continue to be a call for us to sacrifice emotionally, physically, and financially. But, we are learning the joy that comes with this.

We are looking forward to taking some time to rest and recoop. Most of you know that my health has been challenged recently and I have been ordered to slow down and rest. In fact, I have been ordered to not sing or talk for longer than 10 minutes at a time due to the stress on my chords. I am grateful that my recent trip to the ER was simple and grateful that the Dr. was a Mosaic member whose wife is one of my volunteers. He gave me a steroid shot for my voice and even checked up on me during the week to make sure my migraine was under control. God provides!

On to Elliott news!

She is still battling ear infections but that will be common for her until teething ends. She is over 22 lbs now and wearing 12 month clothing and some 18 month clothing. She is quite the dare devil and loves to try new things and explore. She has the bruises to prove it too! She is standing on her own and not holding onto the couch more and more. She walks the furniture and the other day she let go, turned around to face the TV and took a step before falling. She still LOVES music. To the point that she has started what we call singing to the music on her shows. Her favorite show is Sesame Street and Little Einsteins. She is kind of over the Mickey Mouse Club.

She LOVES being in the center of everything. At church, I hold her during between services and she is our youngest volunteer as she helps greet everyone when they arrive. She absolutely loves it! She has been over at Mo Kids with the Older Kids and she loves being there too. She just laughs and crawls after the other kiddos. Because she is advanced for her age, at her daycare, they moved her to the bigger babies room two weeks ago. This was tough on me! She still is adjusting and so am I! WE are about to move her into the bigger baby room at church as well.

About 2 weeks ago, she suddenly realized that she liked her Daddy too. It was like a switch went off and she realized that there was another person besides Mom who loves her and is fun to be with. She lights up when she sees him now and doesn't have to be with Mommy all the time anymore. She is funny because Daddy usually gives her the bath and Mommy usually gets up at night with her. So, in the bath tub, she says Da, Da, Da, Da, Da. When she wakes up, she stands in her crib and says Ma, Ma, Ma. She was so confused when I gave her a bath! It is so fun to watch her play with her Daddy!

She has suddenly changed her food habits. She has always eaten everything and anything. Last week, she started yelling and turning her head if she didn't like the food and rejected some of the regular foods that we have been feeding her. She is in Stage 3 Foods. I have been feeding her yogurt regularly. It helps with the antibiotics and although she seemed to have a milk allergy as a newborn, the yogurt hasn't affected her. Next week, we are going to start feeding her more regular food like pastas, cheese, fresh cooked veggies. I have a ton of baby food to work through as we start this process.

I am just amazed more and more with her on a daily basis. I hope that y'all will get to see her in person soon. Feel free to come visit!

I am attaching a video of her in the crib the other morning. You can hear her new skill which is clicking her tongue and spit bubbles!

E 8.3.11 from Jessica Campbell on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Elliott Climbing the TV

E climbing the tv from Jessica Campbell on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blog update...sorry for the delay!

Wow! I knew it had been awhile since I blogged, but didn't realize it had been over 2 months!!

This time of year is really the craziest for me as we gear up for Extreme Week and all the things that we plan to launch in the Fall.

Let's see if I can recap the last two months...

Had a birthday.
E is now 8 months old!

She is walking the couch and getting very brave and letting go. She takes steps when I hold her hand and walk with her. She has had several ear infections due to the teething. She now has 2 bottom teeth and a 3rd possibly coming in soon. Currently, she has strep throat and a double ear infection. The Dr. isn't talking about putting in tubes just yet. She wants to wait until the majority of her teeth come in.

She is talking up a storm! She says Mama and Dada and knows that means us. We have started working on baby sign language and of course in true Daddy fashion, our first sign is the sign for eat! She is eating third stage foods now and yogurt. So far, she is doing really well with the yogurt, despite the fact that she is on soy formula due to a reaction to milk based formula when she was a newborn. So, we think that she has outgrown the allergy. Thank goodness!

Our work world is keeping us both on our toes as always. Our recent event for the kids and their families served 200 kids! We had 175 faithful volunteers and the week was a huge success! Of course my friend from Texas was gracious enough to come down and be a part. Steph co wrote the drama and she plays a mean electric guitar! She also acts as my eyes and ears and helps me in so many ways. Shaun and I are blessed to have her as part of our crazy family!

We invite the kids to attend the weekend services with their families as a way to connect the families to the church and let the kids be a part of the weekend services. This weekend was the third largest weekend in our history! Falling just behind our Easter services in attendance! That is awesome news because it means that our goal for outreach was accomplished!

Shaun is preaching the service the next two weekends and begins our series on doctrine, what we believe. Should be a great series! And then onto the launch of our Community and Social network, the City. More to come on that later;-)

I will try to post picts and video later...but for now off to tend to a sweet baby!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

As promised...

Here is video of Elliott playing in her bouncer. She has become quite the Lord of the Dance!

E bouncing in her chair from Jessica Campbell on Vimeo.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Easter, Tornadoes, and Mothers

The last few weeks have flown by! Our Easter services went very well. We moved to 4 services and served 1300 people. Right after that, I left for Atlanta for a week. Throw in the middle of all this, Tyson getting sick and almost dying, and Elliott getting an ear infection. Crazy, fun times!

I took my family ministry team to Atlanta for the Orange Conference. This conference is the premiere conference for people who do ministry the way that we do: different and innovative!
We all took away some great tools and hope to add them soon. While up there, tornadoes touched down in AL and hit 1 hour north of where we were staying. We have sent teams of people with supplies to help those affected in AL.

Tyson was given a blood transfusion and after a surgery and a switch of Vets, we have our healthy pup back! We really almost lost him. The Saturday of the Easter services, the Vet told us to be prepared to say good bye. I know that God intervened and saved our pup! It is the only explanation that fits because the Dr.'s can't give one!

Elliott is healthy and teething. We go for our 6 month check up next week. She is getting so big! She can sit up on her own and hold her own bottle! I have attached a few pictures! I am also going to be attaching a video of her bouncing in her chair. She is talking up a storm now! WE had her 6 month pictures taken this week and I hope to have those soon.

My first Mother's Day was great. Elliott's teacher made me the sweetest card and I have some great Mo Family who gave us encouragement and cards too. Shaun and I actually took this weekend off and we are heading to Perdido Key for a few days. This will be our first pool and beach experience for Elliott. I just hope her swim suit still fits! :-)

More to come soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Here is video of Elliott talking!

Untitled from Jessica Campbell on Vimeo.

April 12

Today is a very special day. It is my parent's anniversary as well as my sister's birthday.

As young as I was, I do have a few memories from their wedding day. I remember hiding under a table cloth during their reception and I remember getting in trouble and a spanking from my Paw Paw for acting up during the wedding. I think that I was talking loudly and crawling under the pew! Imagine that?!?

I didn't know it then and even as I grew up, but I now know that day was one of the most significant days of my life. It has been said that families are not born by blood but by love and that day my family was born. You see, my Mom married my Dad and an entire new future was created. My Dad fell in love with my Mom and all that came with her, including me.

I am eternally grateful for this day. Because of this day, I have a family that loves me and supports me. I have a family that taught me that I am a child of God and that He loves me no matter what. I have grandparents that encouraged me and Aunts and Uncles who cheered me on. I was shown that family comes in many forms and family has nothing to do with genetics but has everything to do with the heart. Those that love and care for you are your family. My Dad chose to love me, to care for me, to provide for me and I am his child. My Mom fought hard for me and could have chosen an easier path by giving up, but she did not. What a beautiful picture for what God does for us! He could easily decide that it would be to hard to care for us, grow us, teach us, but instead He chooses to love us. So much so, that He sent His Son to die for us. Just as in my family, it has never even been considered that my Dad adopted me, God has no adopted children. We are all His to redeem.

I know that my family isn't perfect. But what family is?!?! When we look at families in the Bible, we realize that all families are dysfunctional. It started with the first family Adam and Eve and let's be honest, it just goes down hill from there! David, Eli, Abraham, Lot, Elizabeth, Samuel, all had some sort of dysfunction!! When I try to compare myself to the ideal family that the Christian books portray, I am left feeling inadequate and inept. But when I read the Bible, I am encouraged as a parent.

My parents, with their brokenness and issues are the parents that God chose specifically for me. And in my brokenness, I was the child that God chose specifically for them. Through their brokenness, I had a front row seat to His goodness and grace. I am encouraged that God is at work through all of us and weaving his story of redemption and restoration. I hope that as we raise Elliott, I follow some of their lead and realize that what I leave my child isn't as important as what I leave in my child. May God be merciful and redeem that which is His.

So, happy anniversary Mom and Dad! Thank you for loving me.

Elliott will be 5 months old tomorrow! I can not believe it! She is growing entirely too fast! She is in 9 month size clothing and she is now squealing all the time to talk and is trying to hold her own bottle. She is grasping and reaching for things and is familiar with her routine. She has taken an interest in the pups and poor Tyson has had his fur grabbed already! So, here are a few pictures of Elliott taken recently.

This is a teether toy that is called a Sophie. She seems to love it!
After a long, hard weekend at church, she is exhausted and just wants to be held and have her paci. She usually only takes a paci to sleep, but she is just too tired on Sunday afternoons!

I will be posting a video of her talking soon. I have to get busy cooking! Rachele, Patrick, and Carter are going to be here today! I am so excited to have them here and that we get to spend time with them. Elliott loves her Texas boyfriend! ;-) Hopefully pictures will follow soon!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April already?

Hello All,

We are quickly approaching Easter, so Shaun and I have been extra busy with work.
In addition to our church jobs, Shaun and I are both doing a few things to make some extra money. Shaun is certified in Les Mills RPM program now and has begun teaching spin classes two days a week. This is great because it will help us stay in shape while earning a little! I am seeing counseling clients again on Thursdays and may have to to start seeing clients on another day because I am filling up. All the hours still go toward my LPC licensure as well.

Elliott has adjusted to being at school and survived her fist ear ache and cold. She is getting so big! She is wearing 9 month sized clothing now. She is also eating solid foods twice a day and sleeping much better. We still have a 4:00 in the morning feeding, but the Dr. said that is to be expected due to her size. Elliott has taken an interest in the puppies now and they love to lick her toes when she is in her jump up toy. She belly laughs at them and when watching Elmo.

I can't believe that she will be 5 months old a week from now! I will post some recent pictures soon whenever I have time to take some! :-)

That's all for now....

April already?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

4 Month Check Up

Elliott had her four month check up this morning. She endured 3 shots and she handled them fairly well. She has been fussy all this afternoon, but is resting now.

She weighed in at 15.2 pounds and 25 inches long. She is in the 80th percentile and slightly heavier than she is long, however is proportional and that is good.

Her first day of daycare was yesterday. She had trouble sleeping there, but it seemed to be okay. The worker there, Ms. Lacy has two young girls of her own and really seemed to care about the babies. She isn't there today due to the shots. I wanted to keep her home to watch her in case she had a reaction. She will be there tomorrow and Thursday, so hopefully she will continue to adjust.

The Doctor was impressed that she is rolling over from her back to her front and noticed that her upper gums are puffy meaning that she is starting to teethe. She will be eating Taco Casa before we know it! She tried green beans last night and seemed to enjoy them. Every food we have tried thus far, she eats all of! No picky eater here!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Crazy Week!

Check out her cute dress! She's in size 6 months, but already growing out of some of them!
Sleeping in her crib sans swaddle and all on her own!!

Wow! We had one CRAZY week last week! I feel like I am just now catching back up.

First, on Monday, Shaun got jury duty and it turned out to be a murder trial. He made it through all the rounds but the last one for selection. Whew it was close. We are lucky too because if he had been chosen he would have been immediately sequestered until after the trial which was projected to last 3 weeks. Bullet 1 dodged!

On Tuesday, Elliott started having trouble sleeping in the day time and was only sleeping for 30 minutes to an hour tops. Additionally, she started the fight with the swaddle. She didn't want to be in it, but couldn't sleep without it so thus the fight began. We started unswaddling one arm and after 3 days moved to the other arm. At night, she would try to sleep but would wake up every 2 hours hitting herself. She also was not sleeping well in her swing anymore and we were trying to transition her to the crib. So, needless to say Mommy got very little sleep at night and very little work accomplished during the day. This pattern continued through Sunday.

I also had to try to hunt down office furniture for my new counseling office with a cranky baby who screams in the carseat. I finally found some on Thursday in Gulfport and had to drive it back home in the truck as 40 mile per hour winds blew. But, office is now up and running!

Thursday morning our friends who moved to Texas arrived to stay with us through Monday. They have a daughter, Abi, who is 2 weeks younger than Elliott. They were here because they were in the wedding party of our friends Nikki and Kevin. Shaun and I officiated the ceremony. James drove 1 hour from his home and convinced the local Taco Casa there to separately wrap the taco ingredients and they brought enough tacos to feed Shaun for 3 days. He was a very happy boy!

Friday was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal went well. We brought Elliott to the dinner where she managed to throw up all over me and the floor within 10 minutes of arrival and scream after 30 minutes. Needless to say, we left fairly early. Saturday was the wedding and we were there from 12-3.

Dustin was gone, so in addition to all of this, Shaun was in charge and preached the main services Saturday and Sunday. He spoke on depression and Elijah and it seemed to impact a lot of our people in a good way. Shaun also had to write a paper for school Sunday night after such a busy day.

Saturday and Sunday was also Elliott's first time in the church nursery all weekend. We had been paying sitters to watch her on Sundays and on Saturday nights she was only in there while I was doing worship and then I would take her home.

Our friends left on Monday and then it was time for Mardi Gras. It was so good to have our friends here! They helped with Elliott and just blessed us! They are both nurses and James did peds for a while. When we started talking about the car seat drama with Elliott, he suggested that it might be the seat itself. So, we put her in their seat and drove her around. NO screaming, no crying, giggling and no drama! It was the seat all along, who knew?!?! Now we have a new Chicco seat for our very own and it is like a different world! She doesn't scream and she even falls asleep in it!

We went to Natalie's parent's home to experience our first parade with Elliott on Tuesday. The wind was terrible! So, we didn't make it to actually see the parade but we did enjoy the food and friends.

The rest of this week has been a blur. Big news this week is that we went and checked out daycares. We signed Elliott up to start daycare on Monday. This is a huge step for Mommy! But, we have to work and it will be good for her to be around other kiddos. She won't be going every day, but will be there on Mondays and Thursdays for sure.

This week Elliott has been like a different kiddo compared to last week! She is sleeping without the swaddle and in her crib. She is sleeping 7 hours at night! She even put herself to sleep during nap time! Trips have been great, no melt downs in the car or in the store. She is eating more solid food too. She eats cereal with apple sauce in the morning and at night she eats a veggie. Today is new food Friday, so we try peas tonight. Last night, she ate an entire container of sweet potatoes! She is in love with Elmo and just kicks and giggles when he is on the tv. She is getting so big so fast! She is 17 weeks, but will be 4 months old on Sunday. We go Tuesday to the Doctor and she gets her second set of shots.

That's it for now. Much love!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

15 weeks

Big Girl eating real food.......

Good afternoon!

I got busy and skipped our 14 week update. But above are a few picts from last week. Biggest news is that Elliott has learned to talk...kind of. Shaun taught her to growl. That's right! Growl! So now when you talk to her, she will respond back with growling. It is the cutest thing EVER!

She also has begun eating with a spoon. We are eating cereal with apple sauce and the verdict seems to be that she likes it. She is eating 6.5 ounces each feeding now and is almost impossible to keep satisfied. So, we went ahead and starting eating. I am still breast feeding her too, so we spend a lot of time feeding Elliott these days! Click the link below and watch her eating for the first time!

Spring is in full swing here and the gnats are awful! You can't go outside without them eating you alive. I had hoped they wouldn't be here yet since we had such cold temps for here in January, but I guess you can't kill those devil birds! With that, our stroller time is limited so we are making trips to walk the beachfront instead. Elliott still doesn't seem to enjoy the car seat much. We have been going out running errands in the afternoon and some days she does ok, others she just melts down.

Work is going well. We are still just always busy but learning how to balance it all. Shaun and I are having to sync our calendars and balance watching Elliott but I am so grateful that we can be home with her for the most part. Starting in March, she will be attending church with us on Sundays as we can't afford a sitter all day on Sundays and Mondays. I pray that she will stay well and adjust quickly.

I am excited to share that starting in March, I will be doing all my counseling in a real counseling office and be in practice at a place called Islands Counseling. I'll be seeing children, women, and couples. I will start with one day a week and then see how it goes. I will actually get paid too! Whoo hoo!!! I should be on their website soon and am developing a client load now. I go shopping next week for office furniture. I will still see Mosaic people who need help and offer a sliding scale when needed. I will be earning my LPC hours and hopefully be fully licensed in the next year or so.

Shaun is getting certified to teach spin classes at the end of March and he will begin teaching a spin class or two each week soon. So, hopefully we can both lose our baby weight! :-)

I think that is all the updates for now.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3 Months

That's right! Elliott is officially 13 weeks and 2 days old. I have been remiss in updating the blog, man time flies!

As you can see, Elliott is growing and growing. She is already out of some of her 6 month size clothing and about to graduate to size 2 diapers. She has learned that she can hold toys and sucks on her hands. She LOVES this bouncer chair. She sits in it and watches cartoons. Seems like she really likes Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street. Classical Baby, although better for her, doesn't catch her attention for too long. Although, she loves acoustic guitar music and we have her Uncle E play for her when he is in town visiting.

We made a quick trip to Texas to see Siti. She fell and broke her hip. She is back at the nursing home now and we are praying that she cooperates with the Rehab and will actually walk again. It was so special to have Elliott meet the family. I wish we could have seen everyone, but due to the snow, we lost an entire day and had to get back to MS. Boy that is a LONG drive with a baby, but she did great. Hopefully next time we can take more than a day to get back home.

That's all for now!

Monday, January 17, 2011

9 Weeks

As usual, pictures first.....

Hello All,

Time just keeps flying by! Elliott is now 9 weeks old as of Saturday. She seems to just be growing and learning everyday. We are doing well on our schedule and are so close to sleeping through the night. I am looking forward to that day! Right now, she is sleeping 5-6 hours most nights.
Of course, we are having to adjust her schedule a little bit to fit, but overall it has made a huge difference.

Elliott is now smiling at us and cooing. She loves her owl mobile and smiles at herself in the mirror. We sing a lot and peak a boo and kissy face are favorite games. She loves music and she loves ghetto tunes and worship tunes. Perfect! We are taking her for walks as weather allows and are braving the car rides more often.

This week, we are interviewing a few potential babysitters. Shaun and I both have to work up at the church on Mondays so we need someone for that day and finding someone so we can have a night out would be a bonus! On Sundays, Elliott stays home while we work. I have hired our child care workers from church to watch her at our home. She did great yesterday and I managed ok. I only sent 3 texts to check in!

Church is still growing. We had around 900 yesterday. Mo Kids has expanded into another building and it is great! We have a ton of room now and can continue to grow without adding another service. It also allows for more room in our Lil Mo program. Now our 4 and unders have a new space for worship and teaching. Shaun is busy this week as we prepare for volunteer and community fairs. He is also busy training new leaders this week. He is scheduled to go to a training in Orlando the first week of February so Elliott and I will be on our own.

I am resuming seeing so counseling patients and have limited the number of patients that I will see. I currently only have 2. I think that is all for now....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

7 Weeks


Elliott turned 7 weeks old on Saturday and started experiencing the 7 week old growth spurt. So, we have been feeding her all the time and the dreaded "45 Minute Intruder" that all the books warn about is alive and well at our house. During this growth spurt, it is common that babies wake up 45 minutes into their sleep and the only cure is to feed it. So, Elliott is really packing away the food!

I am dreading tomorrow because Elliott has a Dr. appointment and receives her first set of shots. I don't know who will be more upset, me or Elliott! Since Shaun is afraid of needles, looks like the girls will have to brave this one.

Shaun preached in the services this weekend at church. I have heard that he did a great job. He spoke on fear and courage. Check it out on our website: I start back to work this Sunday and am excited and nervous. I have special helpers lined up to watch Elliott so that she does not have to go into the nursery just yet. I am excited to be there for the launch of our expanded children's area. We have outgrown our current space and are leasing a building next door just for our older kiddos! So, please pray for me, for this weekend, and for Elliott as she experiences her new Sunday routine.

I don't have any pictures to add this post. But, will have some next time! Until then......