Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Almost 9 Months!

Here are a few recent pictures of Elliott. She is just learning and growing every day! She will be 9 months old on the 13th. This time has just flown by much too quickly!

She is improving on her walking skills, not really stepping by herself, but running when in her walker and walking with help from us. She keeps trying to stand up when crawling and has almost mastered it!

We are adventuring into the world of real solid foods and so far eggs, toast, Lebanese food, squash, sweet potatoes and bananas have all been a success! She still only has her 2 front bottom teeth, but her top gums are very swollen and white. The Dr. thinks her top teeth will be coming soon.

JessicaSunday night at church. Sundays are so hard on her, but she is a trooper!
Her footed monkey pjs that were big last month now fit. She is wearing 18 month size clothing now and just keeps growing!
First bite of real bananas.....yummo!