Monday, March 24, 2008

Moving Day

Hello All,

I hope that everyone had a great Easter!

Having Friday off, Shaun and I had lunch with Chris and Jodie, Kincaid's is a Fort Worth burger tradition. For all our WF(Wichita Falls) and IP(Iowa Park) peeps, the best way to explain it is that it is like Gene's Tasty burger meets Scott's minus the roaches! Thanks for lunch Chris and Jodie!

Shaun and I helped out at the Met. We had 5 Easter services and amazing things happened! We enjoyed spending time with the family and lunch was AWESOME!! April will be slower for us, so we hope to spend even more time with our family in Wichita Falls. I hear that Shaun might even go fishing!

I wanted to let everyone know that we have set a confirmed moving date for
Saturday, May 31st.

So please keep us in your prayers, we are hosting another open house this Sunday. We have had several lookers, but no offers, so please pray for the house to sell!

We are looking forward to spending some time with Dennis, Stella, and Carla. They are coming down this weekend. We are going to celebrate Shaun's 29th birthday, can we say hello Joe T's!

Our buddy Ronnie sent us an encouraging word, thanks Ronnie! Joshua 1:9; "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

We have been called to Mississippi. I know that this is scary for us and for a lot of the people that are close to us. But, the God we serve is an amazing God and He is with all of us wherever we go. Thank you for your prayers and continued support. We could not make this faith step without your encouragement.

More to come...

Jessica and Shaun