Saturday, August 8, 2009


Hello there Peeps!

Ok, so it was supposed to be a secret for a little while longer, but most of you know now... thanks to Jidi! Love him and who can blame him for sharing?!? He's excited and he's lived long enough that he has earned the right to share whatever he wants to share
So... here goes... Shaun and I found a house!!!!

It is not a done deal yet. We are still awaiting the appraisal, but the inspection went well and we should be able to close by the end of the month. The house is 3 bedroom and has an office as well. It sits on 2 lots and is right by the bayou. But.. no worries, it is not in a flood zone and it did not flood during Katrina.

It isn't anything really fancy, but it is nice and reminds us of our home in Texas. More details (including pictures) will be coming. But in the mean time, thanks for your continued prayers and support!We are excited and can't wait to have our home group over and all of our Texas friends come and visit.

The house is too quiet now since Maddie and Alec left. We had them with us for almost 3 weeks and loved it! Even the dogs are lonely now. Preston keeps going downstairs at night looking in the bedroom for Maddie!
