Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mississippi's State Bird: The Gnat!

Hola friends and family!

With Spring is full swing, we are once again getting the special honor of putting up with the joys of the GNAT. Mississippi really should change their state animal to this creature from the pits of hell. Now, in Texas, we have gnats. But here, we have swarms of Gnats and they bite and cause huge red bumps larger than mosquito bites and much more itchy.

Unfortunately, living near the bayou just seems to be a haven for them. Poor Tyson has been so traumatized by these evil creatures that we have had to endure 4 vet visits, his back shaved, steroid antibiotics, and the cone of shame. He was attacked by them one night and it is slowly getting better. We are on week 3.

I've been researching what can be put in the yard to fight these fierce ninja gnats, and there is nothing. The only cure is that they live short lives and the County sprays for them starting within the next few months. So, not the best way to start Spring or the Easter season! I know now how the people in the old testament must have felt after being part of an insect plague.

This past weekend, we were blessed to have Rachele come visit and stay with us. With her being pregnant, we had the perfect excuse to take her to try all of our local favorite food places, including Cafe Du Mode and Maspero's in the French Quarter . It was so great to have her here and for her to see Shaun preach the Main Service. I heard he did a great job and it is up on our website: It was also amazing to see how God has blessed her with a sweet little boy destined to arrive sometime in August. God is so good to us! I can't wait to be there and to be called Aunt Jessica. Good friends are always good friends no matter what the distance and I am so thankful that God placed her in my life soo many years ago. Her strength and loving heart are truly a blessing and inspiration to me. Thank you Rachele for always being a true friend.. despite a few teenage feuds! I can't wait to see her again in Texas this Summer. Love you Roach!

We are gearing up this week for the launch of our 3rd Service on Saturday nights, which begin this Easter weekend. The number of guests each week has been overwhelming and amazing! I am anxious and excited to see what this weekend brings and to see how it changes the face of Mosaic once again in the following weeks. It is hard to believe that we are still not even 2 years old! And yet are facing another forward change.....including the fact that we are now officially supporting our first church plant back in Texas. Some friends from the Met have launched out and the Met supported us as a plant and now we are able to support another church plant. How cool is that?!?!?

That's all that I have to blog today.. Please plan to come see us soon. I swear the Gnats will be gone soon! And, pray for Shaun and I and our health and energy as we continue with the season of growth. And for rest and sanity as I try to graduate and balance all of this!
