Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A month since last post?!?!

Wow! Time has really been flying. I apologize for the delay in posting. I have had trouble balancing everything lately.

We are in the new house, but we are still remodeling. It is my hope (fingers crossed please) that we will finish all remodeling this weekend. They are building the fence today and I hope that our doors and floors will be done this week as well.

Tyson is growing more and more each day. We take him to the vet on Friday to check on his heart. He does have a heart murmur but they think that he may grow out of it. We will know by 6 months of age. I have been delayed in posting his pictures. So, check these out....

We love ya'll! And look forward to a busy November, including Thanksgiving. We hope to visit during the holiday.

