Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tyson Update for Thursday

Hello All,

Tyson is recovering nicely. The white "shirt" you see in the photos is not a shirt, it is bandages that cover his incision. He hates it! He is also shaved on the entire left side and one leg where the iv was. So, he is going to have one funky hairdo when this is all over! We picked him up last night from the vet. The surgeon said that his heart is strong and that his chest is clear. Apparently, the surgery is a very risky one and we are so blessed that he is recovering so quickly. The surgeon and the staff at the animal hospital could not believe how strong Tyson is and how well the surgery went. The Staff and the hospital could not have been more wonderful. I highly recommend Louisiana Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Hospital in Mandeville.

We have strict orders to not allow Tyson to run, play, jump, or bark for three weeks! Due to the exploratory thoracotomy, he can't bark. Due to the ductus arteriosus ligation, they suggested that we keep Tyson and Preston separate during his recovery. He is not to sleep with us either. With those orders, we purchased a playpen for him to play and rest in. So far, so good. Tyson is on antibiotics for 14 days and pain meds as needed. Great thing about the pain meds is that they help him sleep. Whoohoo! His chest staples come out in 12 days.

Thank you for your calls, thoughts, and prayers. We are so blessed to have such caring friends and family. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! We are seeing pray answered through this and are grateful.

Much Love,