Friday, August 15, 2008

Taco Casa!!!

I forgot to share our Taca Casa story!

Rick and the family back home have been collecting Taco Casa supplies for the last month. Rick even got the guy from there to give him enough meat seasoning to cook 20 POUNDS worth of meat!

So, the plan was for Rick to ship it here. I would cook the Taco Casa and surprise Shaun with his favorite food ever! Rick even got the sauce, taco wrapping papers, and the newspaper that the Taco Casa has. It was to be the best surprise EVER!!!

Well,,,, as usual: Shaun ruined the surprise! In 7 years, I have not once been able to surprise Shaun. He figures out his birthday gifts, Christmas presents, and even ruined my anniversary surprise for him! I was so excited that this was going to be THE one surprise that would work!

The package arrived a day early when Shaun was off from work and he opened it! He then cooked his own Taco Casa dinner so when I got home from work, I smelled it as I walked up to the front door! So, good news is we now have enough taco casa seasoning and sauce to last at least until Thanksgiving when we can gt the real thing. Bad news is that we couldn't surprise Shaun with it!